



唐中文生于 1960年11月,重庆市大足区人。唐中文现任中国书画家协会副会长,中国民族艺术家协会副主席,英国皇家艺术研究院客座教授,香港国画院荣誉院士,重庆西部教育促进会首席艺术专家等。


2002年8月5日作品在俄罗斯获优秀作品奖,2013年6月在法国巴黎获得第十三届“世界华人实力派书画家”荣誉称号,同年7月书法作品获纪念毛主席诞辰120周年全国诗书画大赛特别金奖。被20个国家和地区艺术部门大展赛组委会联合授予“国际书画名家”的荣誉称号。2013年唐中文与沈鹏、欧阳中石、黄永玉、刘大为、范曾等被评为“新中国书画八大家”的荣誉称号。同年5月唐中文的书法作品及艺术业绩载入中国社会文献出版社出版的《国宝档案》从书。2018 年 11月29 日唐中文的书法作品在美国纽约时代广场大屏幕隆重展播。2021年 12月被聘为中国管理科学研究院教育标准化研究所客座教授。


Tang Zhongwen was born in November 1960 in Dazu District, Chongqing. Tang Zhongwen is currently the Vice President of the Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association, Vice President of the Chinese National Artists Association, Visiting Professor at the Royal Academy of Arts in the UK, Honorary Academician of the Hong Kong Academy of Chinese Painting, and Chief Art Expert of the Chongqing Western Education Promotion Association.

In August 2019, he was invited to participate in the Boao Tourism Expo and was named one of the "Top Ten Brand Calligraphers". He joined the army in 1978 and participated in the Sino Vietnamese border self-defense counterattack with the troops in February 1979. During his time in the army, he was awarded two third class honors. I have loved calligraphy art since childhood and am now a national first-class artist. Tang Zhongwen's calligraphy works have participated in numerous international and domestic competitions and exchange activities. In 1997, as a specially invited researcher by the Ministry of Human Resources, I was invited to attend the Advanced Calligraphy and Painting Talent Exchange Conference held by the Ministry of Human Resources in Shanghai, and my works won the Achievement Award and Special Award. In August 1998, he was invited to participate in the Advanced Creation Seminar of Contemporary Art Calligraphers held in Mount Huangshan, and his work won the first prize. In 2001, he won the Silver Award at the Olympics.

On August 5, 2002, the work won the Excellent Work Award in Russia. In June 2013, it was awarded the honorary title of "World Chinese Strength Painter" in Paris, France. In July of the same year, the calligraphy work won the Special Gold Award in the National Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting Competition commemorating the 120th anniversary of Chairman Mao's birth. Jointly awarded the honorary title of "International Calligraphy and Painting Master" by the organizing committee of 20 national and regional art department exhibitions. In 2013, Tang Zhongwen, along with Shen Peng, Ouyang Zhongshi, Huang Yongyu, Liu Dawei, Fan Zeng, and others, was awarded the honorary title of "Eight Masters of Painting and Calligraphy in New China". In May of the same year, Tang Zhongwen's calligraphy works and artistic achievements were included in the book "National Treasure Archives" published by China Social Literature Publishing House. On November 29, 2018, Tang Zhongwen's calligraphy works were grandly displayed on the big screen in Times Square, New York, USA. In December 2021, he was appointed as a visiting professor at the Institute of Education Standardization, Chinese Academy of Management Sciences.

Appointed as a visiting professor at the School of Music and Dance, Kunming University in March 2022. I have been interviewed by People's Daily Publishing House, China Daily, CCTV, Chongqing Television, Chongqing Morning Post, Chongqing Evening News, and Dazu Daily, and have published calligraphy works by Tang Zhongwen, receiving high praise. The biography of Tang Chinese works has been included in the "Yearbook of the People's Republic of China", "Meritorious Figures under the Party", "World Celebrity List", "Collection Ceremony of Famous Calligraphers and Painters in the 20th Century", "World Excellent Talents Ceremony", "International Calligraphers and Painters Encyclopedia", "Collection of Eight Chinese Art Masters", "National Treasure Archives", "Dictionary of Chinese Experts", "Eight Masters of Chinese Calligraphers and Painters in New China", "Special Issue of Art Gifts at the Two Sessions", "Dazu Education Chronicle", "Rongbaozhai Monthly", "Collection Ceremony of World National Treasure level Art Masters", "Chinese Modern and Contemporary Celebrity List", etc. Invited to warmly receive former Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy Bray and former Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and other leaders.










