



2024年公益事业年度新闻人物、一代名家赵金生荣入老一辈无产阶级革命家彭真委员长题词的《人民代表报》,共和国奠基者,荣入大型文献永远的丰碑新时代中华优秀儿女风采录、荣上中国邮政,龙腾贺岁.明信片上的百位中国诗人中国国际经济技术合作促进会、健康科技工作委员会封面人物以及事迹甘洒汗水写春秋 无私奉献谱华章—记新时代艺术楷模、当代实力派艺术家赵金生、中华英雄精神传承文化研究会外联部部长,“新时代中华优秀儿女”,2023《国粹迎春》特别推荐艺术家,中央电视台CCTV颁发《今日视界书画名家》欧阳中石题写,一代名家牌匾

在第十届中国商业创新大会、艺术投资与国际经贸分论坛上,荣获2023年度具有国际影响力艺术作品国际交流优秀创新案例、中国经贸杂志社、中国经贸编辑部、中国商业股份制企业经济联合会、艺术投资委员会、海南艺投参考杂志社有限公司颁发荣誉证书,杰出爱国华人、新时代艺术先锋人物、新时代最强开拓者、当代实力派艺术大家,中国当代世界级艺术巨匠、影响世界十大金牌艺术家、CCTV高清综艺娱乐频道、CCTV我要上春晚终身“客座教授”,2022年总年度功勋艺术家,国际文化交流卓越艺术使节、《时代楷模 国之匠魂》丹青颂党恩喜迎二十大功勋艺术家

赵金生,荣入二十大会刊,孔子美术馆特别推荐艺术家,建国73周年,新时代艺术楷模,“新时代最美榜样人物”新时代最美建设者,荣入中国首个网络名人辞典,全国两会官方重点推荐艺术家、民族英雄霍元甲迷踪武道培训总部、霍元甲精武文化传播大使、中国艺术大家、入编赵金生名人百科,新时代爱国奋斗风采人物、“百家传承 文化筑梦人物”荣誉称号,暹华文化研究院高级研究员,中国文化建设智库副理事长、2020年最美人民艺术家,2021年荣获十三届全国人大四次会议、全国政协十三届四次会议“向人民汇报 向两会献礼”官方宣传活动重点推荐人民艺术家荣誉称号,这也是2018年至2021年以来荣获人民艺术家四连冠





2021年6月荣入激荡百年领航中国党的优秀儿女爱国主义教育丛书,2021年6月荣入百年风云党耀中华新时代中华好儿女大型爱国主义教育丛书。2021年10月荣获“新时代党的好儿女”荣誉称号。荣获“新时代最美建设者”荣誉称号。荣入世界联手共抗疫情百位艺术家寄语祝福明信片,五国大使签发证书。荣入“携手冬奥 翰墨相传”艺术名家宣传报道,详情新浪网,百度,头条,网易等大型主流媒体全程报道。2021年12月17日应邀出席丝路连五洲中外文化交流座谈,与10多个国家驻华大使外交官相互交流,丝路连五洲组委会授予中外文化交流贡献奖,驻中国大使馆外交官亲自颁发荣誉证书。荣获施少伟圆学2021第一届全国慈善诗歌大赛第五名。

在2022“贺新春 迎两会”优秀艺术作品《弘扬霍公精武精神》入选。光荣入编,热烈庆祝中国共产党成立100周年逐梦新时代大型文献。2021年12月纪念毛泽东诞辰128周年活动组委会授予“新时代红色文化传承榜样人物”荣誉称号。在2022年“贺新春.迎两会”优秀艺术作品评选活动中,书法作品《弘扬霍公精武精神》成功入选,贺新春迎两会组委会授予“最具收藏价值奖”。荣幸参加2022年济南电视娱乐频道春节大拜年视频直播,参加“金虎贺岁 翰墨迎春”著名艺术家赵金生向全国人民拜年活动。CCTV华夏之声,今日头条同步宣传。”遵义会议红色文化报告文学采风创作座谈会”遵义活动组委会授予“传承红色基因爱国人士”称号。2022年1月本人作品马来西亚驻华使馆、比利时驻华使馆收藏颁发荣誉证书。事迹荣入中华英才半月刊,荣入中华英才网。


荣入中国国际出版社出版的书道大型画册。2022年10月荣入CCTV《时代楷模 国之匠魂》喜迎二十大会刊。《时代楷模 国之匠魂》组委会、发现之旅经典对话栏目组在丹青颂党恩喜迎二十大征稿入编活动中授予功勋艺术家荣誉称号。荣入2023年中国艺坛两大家赵金生,孙晓云主题台历,荣入2023年毛体日历纪念毛泽东主席诞辰130周年名著,荣入最美东方红中华文化爱国人物怀念毛主席2023年经典台历。荣入青少年爱国主义教育系列丛书,大型文献坚实基层新时代最美奉献者。荣入时代先锋中华文化人物大典中国珍藏邮册。荣登美国纽约时代广场展示屏。荣入华人故事大辞典及封面人物。光荣入编魅力中国 楷模力量大型文献。

Zhao Jinsheng, the annual news figure of the public welfare cause in 2024 and a renowned figure of the first generation, was honored to be included in the "People's Representative Daily" with the inscription of Peng Zhen, the chairman of the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries. He is the founder of the Republic and the eternal monument of large-scale literature. He is also honored to be listed in the "New Era Chinese Excellent Children's Style Record" and "China Postal Administration". He celebrates the Chinese New Year with Longteng. The postcards feature 100 Chinese poets and cover figures of the China International Economic and Technological Cooperation Promotion Association and the Health Science and Technology Working Committee, as well as their selfless dedication in the Spring and Autumn Period. Zhao Jinsheng, a model of art in the new era, a contemporary powerful artist, and the Minister of the External Relations Department of the Chinese Heroic Spirit Inheritance Culture Research Association. He is also a "New Era Chinese Excellent Children". In 2023, he Presenting the plaque "Today's Vision of Famous Calligraphers and Painters" inscribed by Ouyang Zhongshi, a generation of famous calligraphers At the 10th China Business Innovation Conference and the Art Investment and International Economic and Trade Sub Forum, we were awarded the Outstanding Innovation Case of International Exchange of Art Works with International Influence in 2023, as well as honorary certificates from China Economic and Trade Magazine, China Economic and Trade Editorial Department, China Commercial Joint Stock Enterprise Economic Federation, Art Investment Committee, and Hainan Art Investment Reference Magazine Co., Ltd.

We are honored as outstanding patriotic Chinese, pioneers of new era art, strongest pioneers of new era, contemporary powerful artists, world-class Chinese artists, top ten gold medal artists influencing the world, CCTV high-definition variety entertainment channel I will be a lifelong "guest professor" on CCTV's Spring Festival Gala, a distinguished artist of the year 2022, an outstanding art ambassador for international cultural exchange, and a "model of the times, the soul of the country's craftsmen". I will celebrate the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with the tribute of Zhao Jinsheng. I am honored to be included in the 20th National Congress proceedings, a special recommended artist by the Confucius Art Museum, the 73rd anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, a new era art model, the "most beautiful model figure in the new era" and the "most beautiful builder in the new era". I will also be honored in China's first online celebrity dictionary. I will be a key recommended artist and national hero by the National People's Congress, Huo Yuanjia, a lost martial arts training headquarters, Huo Yuanjia's ambassador for the dissemination of martial arts culture, a Chinese art master, and included in Honorary title of "Dream Figure", Senior Researcher at Xianhua Cultural Research Institute, Vice Chairman of China Cultural Construction Think Tank The most beautiful people's artist in 2020, won the honorary title of people's artist in 2021 in the official publicity activity of "reporting to the people and presenting gifts to the two sessions" at the Fourth Session of the 13th National People's Congress and the Fourth Session of the 13th CPPCC National Committee, which is also the fourth consecutive title of people's artist from 2018 to 2021, and won the Top 100 Artists Award in the selection activity of 2021 China Famous Brand Artists Exhibition.

In June 2021, Guoli Art Network and China Ink Newspaper, together with recommendations from mainstream media across the country and big data screening, awarded the honorary title of "Artist of Virtue and Art". In November 2021, I was honored to join the Talent Working Committee of the China Association for the Promotion of Traditional Culture, the National Vocational Credit Evaluation Network, and the Senior Evaluation of the Vocational Position of Traditional Chinese Culture Inheritor (Poetry). I have been awarded a talent admission certificate.

Zhao Jinsheng, male, born on April 23, 1964 in Xuanwu District, Beijing (now Xicheng District, Beijing), his hometown is Doudianlu Village, Fangshan District, Beijing. He lives in Fengtai and is of the Hui ethnic group. He holds a junior high school education. His grandfather is Li Quan, and his grandmother is Li Chen. His father, Zhao Guiyuan, was a worker at the Fengtai Bridge Factory of the Ministry of Railways. He is currently a member of China Railway Sixth Bureau Fengqiao Co., Ltd. and participated in the construction of the Tanzan Railway in the 1970s.

He has retired. Mother Li Shufen, a former employee of Beijing Steel Works, was transferred to the Fengtai Bridge Factory of the Ministry of Railways, and now the Fengqiao Co., Ltd. of China Railway No.6 Engineering Group has retired. My motto is not to do anything that harms the country and the people; seek truth from facts; Do not make wall grass; Not to do things like knocking down walls and pushing people, breaking drums and pounding people, to adhere to the correct viewpoint on major issues of right and wrong, to love literature throughout one's life, with a wide range of hobbies, mainly poetry, praising the times, praising the people, and loving public welfare undertakings. When the country encounters danger and geological disasters, I donated money and goods to the disaster area together with my parents, basically without interruption, donating blood six times without fail. I support my parents to donate all the land certificates and property certificates left by my grandparents to my mother from various dynasties to the establishment of the People's Republic of China to the Fengtai District Government Archives for free.

These are all the family assets of my mother for generations. The house and land are very valuable, but I would rather suffer losses for myself than let my hometown elders suffer losses. In early February 2020, I received the COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control work. As a volunteer, I was the first to sign up for the inspection team to assist the community in conducting safety checks. During the donation process for the epidemic, I donated again with my parents, and during the Communist Party members' love giving activities, I once again extended a helping hand to my parents. It was my parents and I who decided to participate in the volunteer duty to fight against the epidemic. As an active member of the Communist Party, I took the initiative to stick to it. Since the first registration in early February, I have been fighting against the epidemic prevention and control, especially after my own fall, I worked with my injuries and did not rest. From early February to February 19th, I followed the scheduling process. After February 19th, I consciously worked for about six hours a day and remained on duty until July 23rd.

In fact, I voluntarily worked on the front line of epidemic prevention and control for more than five months, completely and thoroughly fulfilling my solemn promise from a young age to step forward when the country faced major disasters and difficulties. In June 2021, he was honored to be included in the Excellent Children's Patriotic Education Series for Leading the Chinese Party for a Century, and in June 2021, he was honored to be included in the Large scale Patriotic Education Series for Good Children of China in the New Era of the Communist Party of China for a Century. In October 2021, he was awarded the honorary title of "Good Children of the Party in the New Era". Awarded the honorary title of "Most Beautiful Builder of the New Era". Join forces with the world to fight against the epidemic, 100 artists send congratulatory postcards, and ambassadors from five countries issue certificates. Rongjin's "Hand in Hand for the Winter Olympics Han Mo Transmission" art master promotion report, detailed coverage by major mainstream media such as Sina, Baidu, Toutiao, NetEase, etc.

On December 17, 2021, I was invited to attend a symposium on cultural exchange between China and foreign countries along the Silk Road and the Five Continents. I exchanged ideas with ambassadors and diplomats from more than 10 countries in China. The Silk Road and Five Continents Organizing Committee awarded me the Contribution Award for Cultural Exchange between China and Foreign Countries, and diplomats from the Chinese Embassy personally presented me with honorary certificates. Won the fifth place in the 2021 First National Charity Poetry Competition organized by Shi Shaowei Yuanxue. The excellent artwork "Promoting the Spirit of Huo Gong's Martial Arts" was selected for the 2022 "Celebrating the New Year and Welcoming the Two Sessions". It was honored to be included in the compilation and celebrated the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC. The organizing committee of the 128th anniversary commemoration of Mao Zedong's birth in December 2021 awarded him the honorary title of "Model of Red Culture Inheritance in the New Era". In the 2022 "Celebrating the Chinese New Year and Welcoming the Two Sessions" Excellent Art Works Selection Activity, the calligraphy work "Promoting the Spirit of Huo Gong's Martial Arts" was successfully selected, and the "Most Valuable Collection Award" was awarded by the Organizing Committee for Celebrating the Chinese New Year and Welcoming the Two Sessions. It is my honor to participate in the live video broadcast of the Spring Festival Celebration on Jinan TV Entertainment Channel in 2022, and to participate in the "Golden Tiger New Year Celebration" famous artist Zhao Jinsheng's New Year Celebration to the people of the country. CCTV Huaxia Voice, Today's Headlines are synchronously promoting Zunyi Conference Red Culture Reportage Picking and Creation Forum "Zunyi Activity Organizing Committee awarded the title of" Patriot Inheriting Red Gene ".

In January 2022, my works were collected and awarded honorary certificates by the Malaysian Embassy in China and the Belgian Embassy in China. My achievements have been honored to be included in the Chinese Talent Monthly and the Chinese Talent Network. The most beautiful role model of the new era in December 2021. Rongjin Forge Ahead on a New Journey in Large scale Reportage Literature. In 2022, COVID-19 attacks again in Beijing. He has been working as a volunteer for more than five months since the outbreak in 2020, and will participate in the war again in 2022. In 2022, we will be honored as one of the 100 models of struggle in the new era, one of the 100 excellent patriotic education books in the new era, and awarded the Medal of Honor for Model of Struggle in the New Era. We will also be honored as one of the 50 Chinese artists who have dedicated themselves to patriotism in the 2023 theme calendar. In July 2022, Communist Party members actively participated again in the activity of showing love. In July 2022, it was awarded the plaque and honorary certificate of "Chinese Art Master Studio" by Confucius Art Museum. In June 2022, to celebrate the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, the Selection and Selection Committee of Contemporary Artists awarded the honorary title and medal of "Contemporary Artist of the Great Power and the Chinese Soul". The 2022 Summit Forum on the Inheritance and Development of Traditional Culture and the "New Century, New Journey" Elite Figures Ceremony awarded the title of "New Century, New Journey" Cultural Model and awarded the title of "New Century, New Journey" Red Culture Inheritor. Cultural Inheritance Contribution Award. Confucius Museum highly recommends artists. Rongjin has published a large-scale book catalog on calligraphy by China International Publishing House.

In October 2022, it was honored to be included in CCTV's "Soul of the Craftsman of the Era Model Country" to welcome the 20th National Congress. The organizing committee of "The Spirit of Craftsmen in the Model Country of the Times" and the classic dialogue column team of the Discovery Journey awarded the honorary title of Meritorious Artist in the competition for the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. He was honored as one of the two greatest artists in China's art world in 2023, Zhao Jinsheng and Sun Xiaoyun, with the theme of desk calendar. He was honored as one of the masterpieces commemorating the 130th anniversary of Chairman Mao Zedong's birth in the Mao Ti Calendar in 2023.

He was honored as one of the most beautiful patriotic figures in the oriental red Chinese culture who remembered Chairman Mao's 2023 classic desk calendar. Rongjin Youth Patriotic Education Series, a large collection of literature that solidifies the most beautiful contributors in the new era at the grassroots level. The Chinese Collected Philatelic Album for the Celebration of Pioneers of the Era and Chinese Cultural Figures. Listed on the Times Square display screen in New York, USA. Rongjin is included in the Chinese Story Dictionary and Cover Characters. Gloriously included in the compilation of a large-scale literature on the charm, exemplary power, and power of China.
